We have about 60,000 thoughts per day. We want to make at least ONE of those full of love for you and your favorite self, and then MAYBE help you with the other 59,999.

Let us slide into those texts.

You wanna beat burnout? Join the club!

You're busy AF. But you love to be thought of. And we love a good nudge.

Texts are an efficient way to get information, but also to check in on ya people. They don't take as much of your time as emails, and they are more personalized. So, that's what we'll do!

We send texts to subscribers with encouragement, self-care tips, and other goodies. The frequency will vary from once a week to just about once a day, depending on the tier you choose. No more, no less. Spam? Not here!

Come get this self care in easy to digest doses. You deserve it.

Oh, you wanna know about the MAGIC?

Because our target audience is and has always been unapologetically Black women, that is the exclusive tier that is JUST for us.

That tier comes with texts, but also other extras that speak directly to concerns we face as Black womxn and maGes, as well as offering us a space for community that is built just for us.

Because we honor and value the sanctity of our space, we will be verifying all applications personally. We thank you for honoring that space.

*(Because we realize it's hard for all women and Marginalized genders, we are offering three tiers that are open to women and Marginalized genders of all races and ethnicities.We want to serve the world without leaving the girls. That, we can do.)

Text Program FAQ

What exactly IS it?

I'm so glad you asked! I'll be sending out ONE text to subscribers with encouragement, self-care tips, or other goodies. The frequency will vary from once a week to just about once a day depending on the tier you choose. Think the Shine app but with more - me!Texts are all efficient way to get information, but also to check in on my people. They don't take as much of your time as emails, and they can be personalized. So, that's what we'll do!Be encouraged, then make an immediate pivot to relax if you need to. Win win.

Do I need to download an app to join?

Nope. We're about taking away , not adding it. No more apps to find, install, download, manage. If you can get a text on your phone, we got you.

I'm not a Black womxn, can I participate?

First, I want to acknowledge you for recognizing where you stand in this, and not attempting to center yourself. You're doing great. Now the short answer is, YES, you can!

But we have four TOTAL tiers! Because we realize it's hard for all women and Marginalized genders, we are offering three tiers that are open to women and Marginalized genders of all races and ethnicities. Those tiers are Spark, Glow, and Power. We want to serve the world without leaving the Girls. That, we can do.

Because our target is and has always been unapologetically Black women, we have an exclusive tier that is JUST for us. That's Magic! That tier comes with texts, but also other extras that speak directly to concerns we face as Black womxn and maGes, as well as offering us a space for community that is built just for us.

Pick Your Tier!

You'll get texts with encouragement, self-care tips, and other goodies.

The frequency will vary from once a week to just about once a day,

depending on the tier you choose. No more, no less.

Spam? Not here.



1 text/week



3 texts/week



5 texts/week


$35/month or just $385/year.

6 texts per week to remind you who TF you are, with 1 Sunday text to remind you to keep enjoying your weekend.This tier also comes with a safe space &n community for vulnerability and recovery for Black women, guided meditations, plus access to classes and community Q&As.

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